Wednesday, June 5, 2024


As the season changes, so do our workouts.  Here’s what we need as we start to work out more outside.

Sunscreen.  I confess I am bad at remembering it, but I’m working on it.  The higher the SPF the better.  Reapply often because we sweat it off.


The right clothes.  We need breathable fabrics when it gets hot.  Exercise clothes have come a long way since those Rocky movies with the gray sweats.  The new fabrics really do make a difference; we don’t have to feel soggy anymore!  If we’re doing water sports, a supportive bathing suit is a wonderful thing.  Rash guards and other sun protective clothing are also good.  A hat can be useful, too.


The right shoes.  It might be warm, but we still need support.


Water.  Yes, I will go on about this forever.  Dehydration is bad.  Drink lots.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Summer, as y’all may have noticed, is getting nearer all the time.  One thing this means is that we really need to be drinking enough water.

Water is the best choice, but other liquids also will work to keep us hydrated.  We want to be careful not to overdo the caffeinated beverages and the ones loaded with calories.  If we’re working out for two hours or more or if it is very hot, we might want to use a workout drink to replenish electrolytes lost through sweating, but that’s not necessary for the basic gym workout.  On the other hand, if drinking Gatorade or similar gets us to drink our fluids, we can go for it (try the sugarless or lower-sugar options to keep the calories down!).


In theory, we want about 64 ounces of water per day.  Those of us who like to measure can get a water bottle with ounces marked on it and track intake.  Those of us who don’t can get a sense of whether we’re drinking enough based on whether or not we have to use the bathroom every hour or so and (sorry to be gross) on how clear what comes out is.


How much we need will vary based on how hot it is and how active we are.  If it’s hotter, we need more.  If we sweat a lot, we need more.


Short version:  just keep drinking water.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday Workout: Variations

Small variations can make a big difference in how exercises feel.  This week we’re exploring that!  Three rounds.


suitcase swings


bench press






1 arm clean and press




diamond pushup




mountain climbers


side lunge


toe reaches


Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Amazing Stickie and V Legs

The Amazing Stickie is always excited to discover a new way to work her abdominals.  Today she is trying out V legs.

She begins lying on her back with her legs straight up in the air.  Then, with control, she slowly opens them into a V shape and closes them again.


She finds a set of ten to work well.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Optimize for Fun

People often want to know:  what’s the best workout?

I have the answer right here:  the one we do.


The absolutely perfect workout might be out there somewhere (along with the perfect planner that is going to transform my life if only I can find it), but I think we’ll do better in the long run picking a workout we’ll actually do.  Over time, as we progress, we might refine that workout a bit, or add another kind of workout to our mix, or get enthused about another sport or class.


Not everything has to be optimal.  Also, we often leave fun out of our definitions of what is optimal, so the whole concept becomes questionable.  Life is short, people!  Have fun!


Go play.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Don't Curse the Darkness

I just had a lightbulb moment about goals.  It may only be a five-Watt bulb,  but I’m going to share it anyway because even a little light is better than darkness, at least when it comes to avoiding tripping over things.

(The digressions have already gotten out of hand and I’m not even started yet!)


OK.  Concentrating.


A lot of the literature about goal setting focuses on finite goals.  “I am going to do this thing by this date.”  Those are perfectly wonderful goals to have.  The thing is, I pretty much like the kind of goals that don’t have end dates.  I like goals that are more like, “I’m going to explore moving my body in ways that feel good to me and that make me feel good every day for the rest of my life.”  Or “I’m going to eat food that is good for my body habitually.”


Over time, those open-ended goals might change.  I might need more cardio sometimes, or more weight training.  I might discover a new sport I love.  Heck, the seasons might change and suddenly I’m doing a bunch more swimming where I used to be skiing.


There is no Great Gradebook in the Sky.  We can make any kind of goals we like and change them as often as we want to.  Let’s choose what works for us.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday Workout: Box!

Our end-of-month variety workout is boxing based this month.  Do three or four rounds depending on time/energy.


straight punch left




hooks left


hooks right




straight punch right


butterfly crunch


uppercut left


uppercut right

