Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Summer, as y’all may have noticed, is getting nearer all the time.  One thing this means is that we really need to be drinking enough water.

Water is the best choice, but other liquids also will work to keep us hydrated.  We want to be careful not to overdo the caffeinated beverages and the ones loaded with calories.  If we’re working out for two hours or more or if it is very hot, we might want to use a workout drink to replenish electrolytes lost through sweating, but that’s not necessary for the basic gym workout.  On the other hand, if drinking Gatorade or similar gets us to drink our fluids, we can go for it (try the sugarless or lower-sugar options to keep the calories down!).


In theory, we want about 64 ounces of water per day.  Those of us who like to measure can get a water bottle with ounces marked on it and track intake.  Those of us who don’t can get a sense of whether we’re drinking enough based on whether or not we have to use the bathroom every hour or so and (sorry to be gross) on how clear what comes out is.


How much we need will vary based on how hot it is and how active we are.  If it’s hotter, we need more.  If we sweat a lot, we need more.


Short version:  just keep drinking water.

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