Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Amazing Stickie and Diamond Pushups

The Amazing Stickie knows that small variations can make an exercise staple into something new and challenging.  Today, she is doing diamond pushups, which is why Stickie’s hands look very different in the picture.

She begins in normal pushup position, arms under her shoulders, body extended long.  (This also works in modified pushup position, in which the knees are on the ground.)  She makes sure that she is a straight line from her heels to her head.  Then she adjusts her arm position so that her thumbs and pointer fingers make a diamond shape.  From there, she bends her elbows, lowering her body as far as possible to the ground.  Then she straightens her elbows to return to the starting position.  Stickie likes that this version of pushups recruits different muscles in her arms.


Ten reps are good.

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