Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Don't Curse the Darkness

I just had a lightbulb moment about goals.  It may only be a five-Watt bulb,  but I’m going to share it anyway because even a little light is better than darkness, at least when it comes to avoiding tripping over things.

(The digressions have already gotten out of hand and I’m not even started yet!)


OK.  Concentrating.


A lot of the literature about goal setting focuses on finite goals.  “I am going to do this thing by this date.”  Those are perfectly wonderful goals to have.  The thing is, I pretty much like the kind of goals that don’t have end dates.  I like goals that are more like, “I’m going to explore moving my body in ways that feel good to me and that make me feel good every day for the rest of my life.”  Or “I’m going to eat food that is good for my body habitually.”


Over time, those open-ended goals might change.  I might need more cardio sometimes, or more weight training.  I might discover a new sport I love.  Heck, the seasons might change and suddenly I’m doing a bunch more swimming where I used to be skiing.


There is no Great Gradebook in the Sky.  We can make any kind of goals we like and change them as often as we want to.  Let’s choose what works for us.

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