Recently I listened to a webinar about fascia (which was fascia-nating, natch!). One of the presenters made the comment that scars keep growing. I don’t think she meant it literally, although that’s possible. It made me think.
Injuries are troublesome. They keep us from doing the stuff we want to do. But even after they’re physically healed, they can keep affecting what we do. Some of that has to do with scars and scar tissue. We are not going to be exactly the same. But a lot of it has to do with how our brains have changed.
We’re a little more anxious after an injury. We hesitate. We overthink movements that used to be smooth and unconscious. We keep the injury alive in our heads long after it is gone from the body.
Fear is a tool that helps keep us safe. It also can hold us back unnecessarily. We need to remember that we are in charge of our tools. We can choose when to use our fear to keep us safe and when to discard it to move freely.
Go play.