Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Over and over, but anew

I am a Pilates instructor, but I’m also a person with a personal Pilates practice.  I have my favorite exercises, the ones that I need to work on, and the ones that are good for me even when I don’t enjoy them.

To avoid settling into too much of a Pilates rut, I try to ensure that I cycle semi-regularly through the entire repertoire.  None of the exercises, at this point, will feel totally new to me, but every time I cycle through, I do manage to have little epiphanies.


There are the good kinds of realiziations, like when I notice that I’m stronger, or that something that used to be hard is just a little challenging.  There are the moments when I figure out another benefit of an exercise, or how it relates to another exercise, or how to modify something for myself or for my clients.


There are the less-good realizations.  Things like noticing that my lumbar spine really doesn’t want to flex and that is that.  I see the correlations between days when I sit too much and how my hips feel in motion the next day.  I remember that I really really really have to do flexibility work every day lest I become about as malleable as a brick.


What I love is that my attention to the same old exercises teaches me new things, over and over.


Go play.

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