Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Uncle Joe might need more than one chance

Pilates, like yoga, comes in flavors.  There is a classical repertoire, handed down by dear old Uncle Joe Pilates, but different schools and individual teachers take what he gave us and add a dash of this or that.  Some studios specialize in what I might describe as power Pilates, maybe incorporating weights.  Other studios blend more freely with yoga.  Nearly every studio adopts some of the really cool tools that have come into existence since Uncle Joe left us:  the BOSU, the Oov, and other gizmos.


I mention this because some people have tried one kind of Pilates and have decided that they do not like it, thanks very much.  I confess that if Pilates was purely the mat exercises, I might be one of those people:  I love my reformer and my trap table and all my other furniture.


Finding the Pilates class or one-on-one instructor that is right may require experimentation.  As everyone knows by now, I am a big fan of experimentation.  In other words, ask a bunch of questions and try a few different styles before you give up on Uncle Joe entirely.


Go play.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Monday Workout: Twelve Days

It’s that time.  Tradition must be upheld.  Here is how the Twelve Days of Christmas workout works:  on day one, we do one push press.  We wipe our brows with relief.  Day one is over.  But then we move on to day two, when we do two goblet squats and one push press.  Still not so bad.  Spoiler alert:  by the end of this workout we will have done 42 burpees.  Yes, I am a terrible Santa and probably not actually the True Love.  On day twelve, we do the whole enchilada:  twelve plyojacks, eleven kettlebell swings, ten jump lunges, nine mountain climbers, eight renegade rows, seven pushups, six burpees, five deadlifts, four single leg squats on each side, three overhead presses, two goblet squats, and one push press.  We try to keep our rests to the space between the days, but rest when necessary.  Then we are safe until sometime in the summer, when we have a Hot Christmas.


1 push press

2 goblet squats

3 Overhead press

4 1 leg squats each leg

5 deadlifts

6 burpees

7 pushups

8 renegade rows

9 mountain climbers

10 jump lunges

11 kb swings

12 plyojacks

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Amazing Stickie and the Bottom Up Kettlebell Press

The Amazing Stickie is fond of kettle bells because their shape creates opportunities to challenge her muscles in different ways.  Today, she is doing the kettlebell bottom up press.  She begins holding a kettlebell with the handle underneath and the weighty part pointing up at her shoulder.  Then, keeping the heavy part up, she presses the kettlebell overhead.  (Of course she keeps her shoulder blades down and against her ribcage the whole time!)  She lowers the kettlebell back to the starting position to complete the rep.  Five reps on a side is a good number to start with.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Exercising when it is cold can be a challenge.  Heck, getting out of bed when it’s cold can be a challenge.  However, I have some ideas to share about how to deal with freezing fitness.


First of all, we need layers.  Maybe lots of them.  I was slow to adapt to the whole purpose-built fitness clothes thing, but the fabrics are worth it for the way they breathe.  We stay warm, the sweat “wicks” away, and we don’t end up dragging a fifty pound soggy t-shirt over our head at the end when it’s time to shower.  (I personally run hot these days, so I’m kind of minimalist on the layers and I take them off pretty soon, but I understand that I am at one end of the spectrum.)  Hats, gloves, and warm socks can make a huge difference, as can a layer that stops the wind/rain/weather from attacking us.


Second, we need to take a little longer on the warmups.  I hate warmups.  I want to get to work.  But they’re useful, especially when it is cold.  Our muscles need a chance to get used to moving.  Do a gentle cardio warmup and then some stretching before the real deal.


Finally, even though it is cold, we need to stay hydrated.  Drink that water.


Now go play.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Use Our Powers

Change can be hard.  It’s also inevitable.  (This is not one of those nasty, suck-it-up posts, I promise.)  Time passes, we get older, they discontinue our favorite brand of sports drink, our best pair of workout pants wear out.  But also, we have friends who get a new puppy, or we get a spiffy new haircut, or we finally figure out how to do pushups.


Given that we’re going to have to deal with change no matter what, we might as well seize the opportunity to direct the change in good ways as much as we can.  We can choose, say, working out so our bodies get stronger instead of choosing couch potatoing so our bodies get to look like maybe we need to be upholstered (no offense, flower prints…).  Stuff happens to us, of course, but we have some power.


Let’s use our powers for good.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Monday Workout: Still Compounding

I am, as always, really into the efficiency of compound exercises.  Deadlift to curl is the new one this week, so we need to choose a weight that is appropriate for the curl; it will probably feel pretty light for the deadlift.  Three rounds.


plie bend extend


deadlift to curl





reverse lunge twist


bench press


lateral raise










Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Return of the Amazing Stickie: squat to leg lift

The Amazing Stickie has a very busy life, so she loves exercises that meet multiple goals at once.  Squat to leg lift is one of those exercises, working lower body strength, lateral movement, balance, and cardio.


She begins with her hands on her hips (or, if she is feeling extra strong, she can hold a dumbbell in front of her breastbone), feet about shoulder width apart.  She does a little squat and on the way up transfers her weight to her left leg, lifting the right leg straight out to the side.  When she lowers her right leg, she returns to a squat position.  Then she rises up, transferring the weight to her right leg and lifting the left leg straight out to the side.


Sets of 30 will get Stickie and everyone else warmed up!