Nothing in life is perfectly safe. When we evaluate our workout choices, we have to consider the risks and the rewards. Unfortunately, I can’t do the math for everyone—we all have to do our own—but I can help us all thing things through.
Imagine a couch potato. That person, while considering possible workouts, has plenty to evaluate. Their risks might include the normal discomfort of change, feeling sore, getting injured, disrupting their routines and maybe even relationships. They might have to spend more money, or spend differently. They might have to get up earlier or stay up later. They might have to adjust their priorities.
On the other hand, that person could create positive health outcomes (reduced disease, improved cardio function, healthier body fat percentage, increased metabolism, etc.). They could discover more energy. They could develop more resilience, both physically and mentally. They could make new friends and have more fun.
Our couch potato friend will want to choose a fitness activity that maximizes the benefits and minimizes the risks. If Couch Potato has never exercised before, they might want to consult an expert about how to get started. If they used to exercise and just got out of the habit, they might want to go back to a sport or activity they liked. In general, Couch Potato would do well to start small and gentle. Cardio exercise is a good place to start.
Go play.