Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Roll for Damages

Yesterday I wrote about pain not being the same as damage, among other things.  However, we don’t really want either one, so today I’m going to discuss ways to avoid damage.


Maybe the best piece of advice in this context is that we need to use our good judgment.  I mean, that’s always good advice, but what I mean is that we need to engage our critical faculties when we go do our fitness things.  This might mean realizing that we are not twenty anymore, or that it has been a while since we lifted weights.  It might mean that we warm up even if we think warming up is boring.  While we are in the middle of whatever it is we are doing, we need to check in with our bodies to see if we’re getting tired or if we’re starting to feel the strain.  A lot of the time, we get plenty of warning that we’re pushing things too far before we actually injure ourselves.  Oh, yeah, and that safety precaution stuff?  Like wearing a helmet or a life jacket or appropriate footwear?  Do it.


The other big piece of the solution is building good habits.  Coming to our workouts rested and fed and hydrated is a good start.  Practicing balance, building a strong core, and enhancing our flexibility are also important.


Sometimes injuries happen anyway, but we don’t want to create situations in which it is easier for them to occur.


Play nicely.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

What a Pain

Recently, I spent some hours in a workshop about pain.  I had high hopes that I would come away with some spiffy new exercises to wave around and POOF! Pain would vanish from my clients’ bodies and my own.


Sadly, pain does not seem to work that way.  There is no magic wand.  However, there was some good information.


For one thing, pain is not the same as damage.  When we think about it, we know this is true.  To use an extreme example, phantom limb pain is a feeling in a body part that no longer exists.  Pain does correlate with damage, but even that is not as strong a relationship as we might think.  For example, a literature review of studies of people without low back pain and the MRI images of those people found that, depending on the age of the subjects, from 37% to 96% of the people showed degenerative disks in the spine.  In other words, more than a third of younger people and nearly all of older people showed tissue damage without pain.  Conversely, plenty of people feel lower back pain without observable damage.


So what is pain?  Pain is an interpretation made by the brain of data from nociceptors (nerve endings that detect “noxious” sensations) in the body.  The sensory data is like a smoke alarm; it is the brain’s job to decide if there’s a fire or if someone is just cooking bacon in the kitchen again.


Please let me be clear:  while pain is a function of the brain, it does not mean that pain is all in our heads.  We are reacting to real stimuli in the real world.


What we can do about pain is to change our reactions.  Sometimes it is as simple as not doing something that hurts.  Other times, we need to learn more about what we’re feeling.  When we first start to exercise and do a bunch of squats and our thighs start to burn, we might interpret that sensation as pain; later, once we have had the feeling often, we might interpret it as a sign that we’re getting in a good workout.  The sensation has not changed, but our interpretation has.


After we have had an injury, the picture can be more complicated.  Damage has occurred.  But, as we saw above, damage and pain don’t always go together.  The longer it has been since we had the injury, the less likely our pain is to be correlated to tissue damage.  In other words, if our injury was more than three months ago, the tissues are probably all right (of course, we should check with our doctors for actual diagnosis and treatment!).  The pain we feel can come from all kinds of other things, like changes in movement patterns, muscle guarding, and fear of injuring ourselves again.  What we need to do in this instance is move.  Notice that I did not say we need to move the part that hurts.  Moving any part of the body will help reduce pain in the whole body.  We need to increase our sense that we are safe in movement (lots of ways to do this, including working with a trainer, taking things slow, making movements small, etc.).  And we need to look critically at the sensations we are having—discomfort is not the same as pain—so that we can retrain our brains to be less reactive.


Maybe I wanted a magic wand and got a bunch of tape measures and hammers and screw drivers instead, but tools are better than no tools.


Go play.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Monday Workout: Twist!

We are doing some work in the transverse plane this week.  In other words, there will be twisting!  Three rounds.


kb swings


kb twists


kb 8s



squat raise


row to kickback






overhead curtsy


Arnold press


Russian twist



Thursday, April 28, 2022

Six Kinds of Feeling

Some days we wake up and don’t know what kind of workout to do.  Here’s a quick list of choices based on how we happen to feel:


1.     Grumpy.  Maybe that’s just me first thing in the morning?  Maybe not.  Anyway, if grumpy, choose cardio.  It really shifts mood a lot.

2.     Tired.  Another good time to choose cardio for its energy-boosting effects.

3.     Sore and tired.  This is the time to get gentle with ourselves.  Some yoga or simple Pilates or a less-intense walk would all be good choices.

4.     Bored.  This is the moment to kick things up a notch.  Choose heavy weights or more high intensity intervals.  Nothing beats boredom like lots of sweat!

5.     Fat.  This one requires a two-pronged approach.  First, we work out our minds by reminding ourselves that we are valuable humans no matter what we look like or weigh.  Then we hit the weight room to increase our lean muscle mass, burn calories, and boost our metabolisms.

6.     Stiff.  We need a little cardio to get the joints to wake up and then some yoga or other stretchy exercise.


What did I forget?

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Lessons from Uncle Joe

One of the things I do in my personal Pilates practice is to cycle through the whole repertoire of exercises from my initial teacher training.  It helps keep the exercises present in my mind and it ensures that I don’t just do my favorite things over and over.  I’ve just finished my latest cycle through.  Here’s what I learned this time.


It doesn’t work to skip steps.  The things that are hard for my body in the easier exercises don’t magically transform when I get to the harder ones.  That segment of my spine that doesn’t like articulating at the beginning still doesn’t like articulating at the end, even if it does appreciate the practice.


Simple doesn’t mean easy or stupid.  When I return to the earliest exercises after doing the last ones, I realize that there is a lot packed in to even the most basic Pilates moves.


Everything works better when I breathe.  I mean, yeah.  Breathe or die, baby.  But taking the time to move with the breath, to let the rhythm of motion work with the rhythm of breath, makes both breath and motion go better.


Want to try Pilates?  Poke me!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Make It Count

I spend a lot of time working with numbers.  It comes with the job.  I count reps.  I choose weights.  I think about heart rate and HRV.  I track minutes and calories.  All that data is nice and crisp and manageable, but it is not the only kind of data we have available to us.  It might not even be the most important kind.


Of course I get excited when clients reach new milestones.  It feels great to set a new personal best.  We all like to point to that time we ran a gazillion miles in twelve seconds (I am being purposely ridiculous so no one attaches too much import to the actual distance and time).  We feel like we have an accomplishment that counts.


Counts for what, though?  Some of us may, at the end of our lives, want to remember that one time we lifted the equivalent of six elephants and a pony, but I doubt it.  In the large view, we probably care more about the times we played tag with the kids or grandkids or the awe-inspiring walking tour we took with our significant other.  We do all that number tracking for a reason, and the reason is not to do more number tracking, but to live a full and joyful life.


Please do spend good time in the gym, but please also spend good time out of it using all the strength and endurance and flexibility and balance learned.


Go play.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Monday Workout: Let's Do It!

Why yes, yes I do love compound exercises.  Of course I do!  Lots of calorie burn in a little bit of time!  Lots of built in core work!  Let’s do it!  Three rounds.


clean and press







suitcase swings


(lunge to) curl


renegade rows







