Tuesday, July 2, 2024

By Request: Benefits of Plank

This month, I’m taking requests for things folks want to know about fitness (yes, please!  Ask me questions and I will blog the answers!).

First up:  what are the benefits of doing planks?


1.     Upper body strength.  Hanging out in a plank position means a lot of weight bearing on the arms.  As we get stronger, we’re able to hold our planks for longer periods of time.

2.     Alignment.  Getting the wrists in position directly under the shoulders allows the body to rely on the bones for support.  Maintaining the straight line from the back of the head through the heels requires lots of little muscle adjustments that pay off in our daily posture.

3.     Core control.  (Brief digression:  the core muscles are not just our abdominals in the front.  The muscles of the lower back, the diaphragm, and the pelvic floor are also part of our core.)  All of our core muscles are challenged when we hang out in a plank position.  We need to balance the contributions from all four sides of our core to maintain the proper form.

4.     Breath control.  New plankers often struggle to keep breathing while planking.  Learning to breathe into the chest while the lower abdomen is contracted is a useful skill.  When we develop multiple breath techniques, we are more able to tap into the energizing and relaxing possibilities of breath.

5.     Adaptability.  The plank has multiple variations and there is a version that works for almost everyone.  I love the elbow plank to target the abdominals, the classic plank to challenge upper body strength, the side plank to work obliques, and the side plank with the upper arm and leg lifted for max work.


Go try it!

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