Wednesday, April 10, 2024


A lot of us have back pain and tight shoulders and hips that creak and stiff legs.  One possible culprit?  Too much sitting.

Those of us who commute don’t have too much choice.  We’re stuck in that car for as long as we have to be.  Then, when we arrive, we’re often stuck at our desks.  We get home and we plop on the couch for yet more sitting.


We may not be able to fix all of that, but there are a few things we can do.  Desks that adjust to allow us to stand or sit are really useful.  Failing that, we can choose to walk over to talk to our coworkers rather than call them or message them.  We can make sure we drink plenty of water—standing up and taking a bathroom break is a guaranteed way to keep us from sitting for too long at a stretch.


Our lives are designed to keep us sitting a lot.  We have to tweak that design where we can to allow our bodies to move like they prefer to do!

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