Tuesday, December 6, 2022

This fish is feeling judgy, but I understand

Like everyone else, I have times when I’m working out more and times when I am working out less.  I get enthusiastic about a particular kind of workout and I ignore some other kind.  That said, my recent experience has reinforced the idea that consistency is really a virtue.


Now when I say that we need to be consistent, I definitely do not mean that we pick a workout and we do it every day for the rest of our lives.  Among other problems, it would bore us to death.  What I do mean is that we need to make sure that we get in all our different kinds of work.


Lately, I’ve been super excited about playing pickleball.  It’s fun, it’s social, and it gets my heart rate up.  I may have let my enthusiasm distract me from the fact that I need to do my strength training and my core/balance/flexibility work.  I got back to doing Pilates last week and oh dear do I have some ground to regain.  I returned to my weight lifting earlier, but again, I noticed the difference.


Of course, everyone else is probably way more organized and conscientious than I am, so this might not be a relatable problem.  Worst case, y’all get a good laugh at my expense and I’m cool with that.  However, if you, too, have slipped a little, let my example gently encourage you to get back to balancing out the workouts you’re enthusiastic about with the other ones you need to be doing, too.


Go play.

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