Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Don't Panic

When we first decide it’s time to work out, we can get overwhelmed really quickly.  Our well-meaning friends and family members may suggest everything from crossfit to yoga to Zumba.  We’ll see gadgets galore on the internet and we’ll get intimidated by the array of weird-looking machines at the gym.


Don’t panic.


This is why I am in favor of baby steps.


In general, the first thing that most people need as they transition from couch to activity is just to do something.  I tend to advise walking because unless something is drastically wrong with us, we can all do it.  Start with five minutes.  Yes, that is really easy.  That is the point.


Starting with something easy is important.  When we are faced with what seems like an impossible task, we tend to get flooded with emotional reactions, brain chemicals, and negative self-talk.  We want to curl up into a ball.  Doing something, anything, shifts our mindset.  We remember that we have at least a small measure of control.  This is the first step toward taking back our power.


That first tiny success encourages us.  We can take the next tiny step.  Eventually, we will feel ready for slightly bigger steps and we’ll take them.  If we have setbacks, we will remember that we can take tiny steps until we recover.


We can do this.

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