Thursday, January 24, 2019


Unlike most people, I have a job that doesn’t require a lot of sitting.  When I do run into circumstances when I have to sit for long periods, I become even more thankful that I don’t do it regularly.  I’m not going to go off on sitting as the new smoking or anything like that, but I would like to suggest that we all try to find more ways of standing and moving throughout the day.

Standing desks can be awesome for some of us.  Adjustable desks might be even better, so we can choose to stand sometimes and sit sometimes.  I have a chair at my desk in my office, but I also have a stability ball handy for those times when a different kind of sitting would make my body happier.

I personally detest meetings, but when they can’t be avoided, we can try to have walking meetings.  The change of scene and the movement can get our brains working better.  Standing meetings in the office tend to be shorter and more efficient if walking is not an option.

We use alarms for all kinds of things in our lives.  Setting one every hour to remind ourselves to move around can help.  If that seems too rigid, we can just drink lots and lots of water and our bladders will do the reminding for us.

We are not meant to be still.  Let’s get happy by moving around a bit whenever we can.

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