Tuesday, April 23, 2024

When it hurts...

We all overdo ourselves from time to time.  Maybe we were on vacation and we were hiking and it turned out to be more strenuous than we expected.  Maybe we were trying to impress that cute person in the gym and we lifted more than was good for us.  Maybe it was just one of those days.  Now everything hurts.  What do we do?

First, we need to decide if we’re sore or actually injured.  If we think we might have an injury, we want to seek qualified medical advice.  (I am not a doctor, a physical therapist, or anything like it, so I do not diagnose or prescribe treatment; get real help when needed!)


If we’re just really darn sore, I can make some suggestions that might help.  Pain, while useful in keeping us from doing too many dumb things, is not a fun thing to experience.


Take ibuprofen or your favorite OTC pain reliever as appropriate.  This is not being wimpy.  Pain relief is a good thing.  We are nicer when we don’t hurt.


Use ice or heat.  Ice is particularly good for anything that feels inflamed or swollen.  Heat soothes when things feel tense.  Bonus points for heat in the form of a soak in Epsom salts, which will add to the soothing.


Move a little.  This one may sound counterintuitive.  We got this way from moving too much!  But a little gentle movement really will help the body heal by keeping everything from stiffening up.


Rest.  Duh.  We need to stop doing what made us sore until we feel better.  A good night of sleep or two will also help.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Monday Workout: Compound

We’re all about the compound exercises this week to build our metabolisms and challenge our bodies.  Three rounds.


plank jacks


lunge to curl


Arnold press




sumo squat to high pull




1 leg deadlift




leg kicks


bench press


pretty princess



Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Amazing Stickie and Medicine Ball Soccer Throw

The Amazing Stickie loves to play with medicine balls.  Today she’s doing medicine ball soccer throws.  (She’s demonstrating doing it by herself, which means that after each throw, she has to walk and pick up the ball to do the next throw.  She could also do this with a friend and they could toss the ball to each other.)  She begins standing with good posture holding the medicine ball behind her head.  Maintaining good posture, she lifts the ball over her head and tosses it in front of her.  Sets of 10 are good.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Injury Prevention, part 2

Yesterday we discussed in-workout strategies for injury prevention.  Today we’ll look at general lifestyle choices that help.

The first big thing to do to prevent injury is to get enough sleep.  Tired people make mistakes and workout mistakes make injuries.  Getting enough sleep can be a challenge in our all-hustle-all-the-time culture, but please, let’s fight the dominant paradigm enough to get our rest.  It’s worth it.


Another basic choice for injury prevention is proper nutrition.  When we don’t have the nutrients we need to build our bodies or to run our cellular processes, we are less resilient, more likely to get hurt, and more likely to take a long time to heal.  Our bodies can only run so long on caffeine and sugar.  Throw the cells a vegetable now and then, please.


Another thing we can do to help keep ourselves injury free is to reduce our overall muscle tension.  The cheap way to do that is to spend quality time with a foam roller or tune-up balls.  The luxurious way is to make massage a habit.  The time and money we spend on relaxing are investments in our wellbeing.


So:  sleep, eat, relax.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Injury Prevention, Part 1

We’re going to spend a couple of days talking about injury prevention.  Today we’re focusing on things to do during our workouts that help and tomorrow we’ll talk about lifestyle changes that keep us less likely to get hurt.

The first thing we want to do in our workouts to prevent injury is to warm up.  I have to admit that I was a slow adopter of warm-ups.  Some of that is just that I was younger then and my body was more forgiving.  And, even if I wasn’t a big believer in it, it doesn’t mean that my body didn’t have to warm up; my movement naturally got better and bigger and stronger once my body warmed up by doing whatever I was going to be doing anyway.  Those of us who are smarter than I used to be will want to do an intentional warm-up of at least five minutes before jumping into the main part of our workout.  Gentle cardio, some stretching, and a few body weight exercises are good choices for that.


We also want to protect vulnerable body parts.  What that means will vary with our bodies.  Some of us will need to be extra careful about having supportive shoes.  Others of us will want our ankle support or our wrist support.  Obviously, the bikers among us need to wear helmets.  We may also want to use some kinesiology tape to increase blood flow to particular areas.


During those workouts, we want to ensure that we spend some time working on core and balance work.  Practicing balance helps us prepare for life’s little surprises.  A strong core means that we can react gracefully to whatever comes along.


Proper form is crucial to injury prevention.  When, say, we do our lunges without paying attention to knee alignment, we add strain to our knee ligaments.  Similarly, a lack of focus on glute engagement can put pressure on our knees.  We want to work with our best possible alignment from top to bottom to make our movements as efficient and safe as possible.


Finally, we want to make sure we stretch.  Flexibility training gives us the appropriate range of motion to do our workouts safely.


Now go play.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Monday Workout: Planes!

We are working in every plane this week: sagittal, frontal, and transverse.  In other words, we’re going back and forth, side to side, and twisting!  This, plus the asymmetric exercises, will help with our balance and core control.  Three rounds.




renegade rows






overhead curtsy




1 leg squat




side lunge 1 arm row/raise


lateral raise





Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Amazing Stickie and Multiplanar Lunges with Reach

The Amazing Stickie loves making a basic exercise more challenging.  Today she is doing multiplanar lunges with reaches.  What that means is that she takes her basic front lunge, side lunge, and transverse lunge (or curtsy) and adds a reach with her upper body toward the floor.  It makes the movement bigger, which means it’s harder.  Additionally, it shifts the body weight more, making it more of a core challenge to return to the starting position.  She usually does a set of five in each direction.