Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Good habit to adapt...

Habits are a good news/bad news kind of thing.  Obviously, we want to have good habits like eating food that is good for us and moving our bodies enough to feel healthy.  It is awfully nice to get into the groove of a habit and get workouts in automatically.  What’s not to like?


Well, sometimes when we have a strong habit, we get thrown when life doesn’t go as planned.  We are so used to doing things the way we always do that when family comes to visit or we go on vacation or we don’t get up at the usual time we don’t know how to adapt.  It’s like we only know one way to do things and we’ve broken ourselves by getting off the track.


So then we have to figure out how to get stuff done anyway.  In the moment, mostly we need to take a deep breath, remember that we are smart and flexible humans, and get on with it.  In the longer term, we need to practice.  That means that every once in a while we need to shake up the routine on purpose to remind ourselves that there is more than one way to achieve our goals or check off those tasks.  Maybe once a week or so we try an evening workout if we are normally morning people, or vice versa.  Maybe we switch up the order of our workouts.  Change is inevitable, so learning adaptability is a useful tool to pair with our habit tool.


Go play.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Monday Workout: Gravity

This week we are changing our relationship to gravity.  Instead of doing plain old rows, we’re doing renegade rows.  Instead of our usual kickbacks, we’re doing skullcrushers.  Not surprisingly, we challenge ourselves in different ways when we switch up our body orientation.  It’s all good.  Three rounds.


squat to leg lift




renegade rows



1 arm clean and press


lunge to curl










pretty princesses


Thursday, June 17, 2021

A Useful List of Unuseful Things

Usually, I focus on the positive, but every once in a while it’s good to remember what NOT to do.  Here are five things to skip:


1.     Comparisons.  Our workouts are our own.  There are workouts out there that are too hard for us and others that are too easy.  We need to concentrate on the one we are doing.  What that woman over there is doing is not relevant.  That guy doing whatever it is he is doing does not matter to our workout unless he literally crashes into us.

2.     Time travel.  This is sort of a subset of comparisons.  We can only do today’s workout.  Maybe we did much harder workouts when we were twenty, but that does not change what we are doing today.  In six months, we may be doing far more amazing things, but, again, not relevant today.

3.     Self-Trash Talk.  I’m all in favor of trash-talking the weights—they have no feelings to speak of—but we need to make a point of talking nicely to ourselves about how we showed up and are working.  No bitching about how slow/fat/weak/whatever we are because it does not help.

4.     Excuses.  We’re creative.  I get it.  We can come up with really good reasons to skip workouts all day long.  The thing is, we don’t get fit by talking about workouts; we get fit by working out.  This is not to say that we should never skip workouts—life happens—but that we should be very careful to make good choices most of the time.

5.     Burnout.  I know I just said we need to skip the excuses.  Scheduling rest days is not the same as flaking off.  We need to plan rest just the same way we plan workouts.


Now go play.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


One way to divide humans is between minimalists and maximalists, especially when it comes to fitness.  Some of us want to know how to scrape by with the least possible exercise; I’ve written plenty about how to do this, so I’m not going to go over it right now.


On the other end, some of us want to work out All The Time.   I get it.  I like working out, too.  But too much is not a good thing.  When we over-train, our bodies start to break down.  We get repetitive stress injuries.  We get other kinds of injuries just from being flat-out tired.  And we stop making progress.


Bodies get stronger and leaner and faster by cycling through challenge and rest.  We work our muscles, which makes them sore, and then they rebuild themselves stronger while we rest.  No rest means no rebuilding.


Our culture firmly believes that more is better and most is best.  Fight the power and get stronger by resting from time to time.  Really.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Back when we were kids, jumping came naturally.  Our bodies were young, elastic, and bouncy!  Nowadays, most of us have to be more careful when we jump so we don’t get hurt.


Good jumping starts with our feet.  As we lift off the ground, we want to lift our heels first and toes last, articulating through our feet.  On the way down, we want to reverse that process, letting the balls of our feet land first and rolling down to our heels.  This helps our bodies absorb the shock of reconnecting with the ground.


Not surprisingly, knees also have a lot to do with good jumping.  We bend them to get the energy to launch ourselves in the first place, but we have to remember to bend them again as we land.  We want to come down more like rag dolls, who land softly in a lump and less like china dolls, who hit stiffly and shatter.


The final piece of good jumping is core control.  Core control is what keeps us from crashing inelegantly.


Jumping is a great way to add oomph to our workouts (jump squats!  jump lunges!  plyojacks!) and it can be fun as long as we take a moment to make it safe.  However, some of us find jumping inappropriate for our bodies—this can be because we have large breasts that don’t get adequate support or because we have gimpy knees or because our ankles dislike us (this is not an exhaustive list, of course!).  Done safely, it’s great, but it is totally all right to skip it if it doesn’t work for us.


Happy bouncing! 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Monday Workout: Plyo!

One way to add intensity to a workout is to add jumping.  This week, we’re doing jump squats and plyojacks to get our hearts really going.  If jumping is not appropriate in your body, do regular squats and modified jacks instead—safety is the most important thing!  Three rounds.


jump squats




1 leg deadlifts



kb swings


kb twists


kb 8s




plyo/regular/mod jacks




Russian twist


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Drink up

Where I live, it is, in my opinion, way too hot right now.  I am drinking water, water, and more water.  This can be hard for people to manage, so here are some things that might help:


1.     Choose fizzy.  As a former soda drinker, this was key to my success.  Fizzy water seems slightly more festive than plain old flat water.  Obviously, if you don’t like fizzy water, choose flat.

2.     Get the right temperature.  For me, this means lots of ice, but some people find more success drinking water that is closer to room temperature.

3.     Pretend it’s a spa thing.  Throw a lemon slice or some mint leaves or a bit of cucumber in there.  Melon can also be nice.  It’s not just water:  it’s a mini vacation.

4.     Get the right container.  Some of us like straws; some of us like sippy cups; some of us are fancy and use glass; some swear by our water bottles.  Finding the right one makes a surprising amount of difference.  (Mine is insulated and has a lid that I use if I’m taking it somewhere, but leave off if I’m just hanging at home.  The cup is also red.)

5.     Set a goal.  This works for people who like to compete or folks who like to check boxes.  Make a chart and stick it on the fridge; give stickers.  Use an app to track it.

6.     Check in.  A lot of us go around slightly dehydrated.  When we succeed at drinking water, it’s useful to notice that we feel better, less crabby, sharper.