Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Lift with legs, not with back...


I’m getting ready to move.  I own approximately 75 gazillion books along with all the usual stuff people have in their houses.  This seems like a good time to talk about what kind of activities that are not traditionally fitness-related count as workouts.  (And yes, I am counting packing and schlepping all those books as a workout.)


I COULD make a list, but that would be silly.  Instead, I’m going to outline the principles so we can all figure it out in the moment.


If we end up sweating, it’s probably a workout.  I qualify the statement with that “probably” because if it happens to be a hot day and we’re sitting on our behinds in the yard leisurely picking a weed or two, we are likely to be sweating, we are technically gardening, but we’re probably not getting a workout.  If we’re lopping branches and hauling them, or raking and sweeping vigorously, or turning over soil, we are gardening and working out at once.


If we are sore the next day, it’s probably a workout.  This one doesn’t help so much in the moment, but it’s still useful.  It helps us distinguish between the kind of housework where we move all the furniture and really get in and scrub the floors or walls or whatever and the kind where we just wave a duster over things and call it a day.


If we get breathless, it’s probably a workout.  We all have those days, particularly if we have a house with stairs, when it seems like we are up and down them all the time bringing something to where it is supposed to be.  I call this the tidying version of interval training.


There are benefits to getting our workouts in a non-gym setting.  The fancy name for it is “functional fitness” and there are plenty of gym workouts that try to mimic the effects of this kind of activity.  We learn a lot about the practical application of physics and about how many heavy objects in normal life would be easier to move if they were only shaped like dumbbells and barbells.  That said, all those gym workouts make things like moving less of a struggle.


We can do this.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Spiral up


We human organisms adapt.  This allows us both to build habits and to change those habits to accommodate different circumstances.  So far, facts.


Now for the interpretation part:  there is good news and other news in this.  The good news is that we can ride the upward spiral of our habits.  An example?  My body now pretty much demands yoga every morning.  I don’t have to think about it or force myself to schedule it—I just start.


The first part of the other news is that even our good habits need to adapt.  We need to recognize that our bodies are getting stronger and increase the load on our muscles, or that our lungs and heart are working more efficiently and give them more challenge in our cardio workouts, or that our growing flexibility has made other poses more accessible to us.  We may not have to expend brain energy to get ourselves to show up anymore, but we do have to use our brains to sort out how to challenge ourselves enough.


The other part of the other news involves the direction of our spiral.  As much as we can build good habits, we can also build bad ones.  We need to remember that we don’t really WANT to spend the rest of our lives eating M&Ms on the couch watching cooking shows (well, maybe some of us do, but I find that stuff is better in small doses.).


The take-away here is that starting is the hard part.  One of the yoga mantras that speaks to me sums this up:  to begin is the victory.  Once we start, we can build fabulous things.


Let’s do this.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday Workout: Choices

This week, I am providing even more choices than usual.  This is everyone’s chance to build a workout to order!  I’ll provide the framework, and then everyone can choose.


The basic format is our trusty 30-20-10.  We do three sets of three exercises, doing 30 reps of the first exercise, 20 of the second one, and 10 of the final one.  Then we repeat the whole thing three times.  (If you have been reading my blog or working out with me, this should look familiar.  If not, don’t worry; there will not be a test.)


Choice Workout: Choose three from each column







med ball rescues

mountain climbers


round lunges



lateral raise

plank jacks

bench press


jump squats



jump lunges



ball slams



overhead high knees


opposite knees

reverse fly

clean and press

1 arm clean and press


Russian twist


pretty princesses




femur arcs




roll out abs


Using the chart above, choose three from each column.  When I design workouts for clients, the final exercise of the round is always abs, helpfully located after the space in the 10 column.  Choose based on what you have on hand in terms of weights, what you like, and what you need.  Have fun with it!


Go play.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

That is one funny hat.

Sometimes we get all bogged down in the soup of unhappiness that surrounds us.  It seems wrong somehow to be happy in the face of all the ick.  Except it isn’t.  We can spread a little happiness around if we get some.  (If you need permission to be happy, I’m here to give it to you.  Go forth and laugh!)  Three (fitness) things to increase happiness today:


1.     Do something you love.  Or as close to it as you can.  Maybe I can’t go skiing right now, but since one of the things I love about skiing is going fast, I can hop on my bike and see how fast I can go.

2.     Do something new.  Curiosity and exploration wake up our brains and awake brains tend to be happy brains.  Try a new route.  Take a different class.  Do the workout backward.  Even if it goes wrong, it will give us a chance to laugh at ourselves.

3.     Do something that makes your heart pound.  In a good way.  Which is to say, some cardio.  It makes us happier and smarter.  Really.  Science says so.


Go play!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Let's dance...

I called my business Recess on purpose.  While it is true that one way to describe my work is that people pay me to make them do things they don’t want to do, that’s not the whole story.  I do my best to help people like doing stuff that is good for them.  I try to bring a sense of play to fitness because we tend to do more of what brings us joy.


It is absolutely true that some things are joyful in themselves and others are joyful at one remove.  We need both.  What do I mean?  Take dancing.  Dancing is fun.  Every human culture that I can think of has had some kind of dancing (or else a need to frown upon dancing, which proves my point in a different way).  Kids do it spontaneously.  It plays a part in celebrations, religious ceremonies, and high school rituals.  No one needs to make us dance, at least before we get all self-conscious.  It’s just joyful.


Burpees, on the other hand, don’t make very many people joyful in and of themselves.  They are joyful at a remove (no, not because we rejoice when they’re not part of the workout).  We get joy from burpees because of what we get from having done burpees—more energy, strength, stamina for the things that make us happy.  Maybe burpees give us joy by way of chasing our kids around for hours or by helping us find the perfect outfit to knock someone special’s socks off.  We have to wait a little for the burpee kind of joy.


So when I design workouts or when I talk about what we all need to do for fitness, I try to include both kinds of joy.  The first kind is easy:  we pick stuff we like to do, like dancing or biking or curling or whatever.  The second kind requires a two-pronged approach.  We keep in mind the secondary kinds of joy we want to achieve by doing the less joyful exercise, and we employ coping techniques.


Some of my favorite coping techniques are:  friends, loud music, bribery, and speed.  Other people like classes, fancy workout clothes, or special tools.  Whatever works.


Let’s play.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Wear your bathing cap if it helps...

In so many of the conversations I have with people right now, I find that we’re all feeling overwhelmed.  We struggle to sleep.  We are easily distracted and often irritable.  There is too much of everything—disease, distress, ash, heat, noise, laundry.  People tell me that they just can’t.  I hear it.  I feel it.  And yet, somehow we have to cope and do.


For some of us, dropping the workout is the obvious way to get a bit more time.  I am not going to blame anybody who makes that choice.  I will, however, tell why that is not my choice, even when I feel like there is too much to bear.  Maybe my experience applies to more than just me; maybe not.


I work out for a lot of reasons.  For one, it is wonderful to have something finite that can be checked off the infinite list of things to do.  I show up, I get sweaty, I check it off.  There is no lingering sense of incompletion.  That workout is done forever.  I get to feel an increased sense of my own power because look!  I did one whole thing!  Maybe I can tackle the next thing!


Some of the things I do in my workout are plain fun.  I got to go swimming last week (thus the silly photo of little me in my bikini and my grandma’s bathing cap).  I love swimming.  This is a good time to choose the kinds of workout that are joyful rather than the horrible guilt-inducing ones.  Even in these times, it is all right to pick things that make us happy.


Speaking of making us happy, cardio exercise boosts mood.  I know I say this all the time, but it bears repeating.  When we have limited energy to spend, we need to choose to spend it on stuff that helps us.  Cardio can be one of those things.  I will never tell anyone to stop taking their antidepressants, but I will say that cardio is an excellent adjunct to medical and therapeutic help.


That focus thing?  Working out helps with that, too.  The science shows that our brains work better after exercise.


These are my reasons to work out, even when I’m tired, even when the world is full of chaos.  Join me if it seems like working out will help you, too, or rest if you need that more.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday Workout: Cardio Poker

This week’s body weight workout is the return of Cardio Poker!  It’s a buddy workout, so grab your partner or your kid (dogs usually can’t read, but if your dog wants to try…) and a couple decks of cards.  Choose a space that is big enough to run back and forth in.  This might be inside or out in the yard if the air allows.  You and your partner will stand at either end of the space, each with your deck of cards.


Both players flip over the top card of their decks.  Use the chart below to figure out what exercise to do (or make up your own chart) and do the number of repetitions based on the card (e.g., 9 of hearts means nine jump squats).  Then run to the other end of the space, flip a card, do the exercise.  Continue until both players have a full “hand” of cards to give bragging rights to the best hand, or until you are tired.


As always, modify as needed.  If running is not your thing, brisk movement back and forth is totally fine.  If you don’t want the kids running in the house, you can tell them to hop back and forth.  Hate squats?  Swap in jacks or something else.  What I love about this workout is that it is a great template for many workouts.


Go play.





squats/jump squats


lunge punches


pretty princesses

