Sometimes our workout equipment needs to be reminded that we love it. Here are a couple of things to think about:
Inflating the stability ball: If it’s getting a little squishy, it’s time to get out the foot pump and add air. Bonus points: stomping on that thing counts as part of the workout!
Lubricating the cardio stuff: It depends on what kind of equipment we’re talking about here, but most stuff with moving parts needs some lube from time to time. This might mean the pedals of an elliptical or the wheel of a stationary bike or the chain of a real bike.
Checking for wear: Things that have straps or springs or chains may need an eye cast over them. We need to replace frayed or stretched or rusty bits before they break, just to be safe.
Cleaning: Of course we wipe down the sweaty bits every time we work out, right? That’s just good manners. But dusting the weight rack, wiping down the weights, sweeping and vacuuming the floor are all important things to do, too.
Go play.