Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Neutrality not Stillness

Recently I was watching a webinar about Pilates topics.  Most of it was not super engaging, to be honest, but one concept in particular stood out:  neutral, in our bodies, is dynamic.

I think that most of us conceive of neutral in our bodies kind of like that poor guy in the Operation game, except standing up.  We’re still, arms at our sides, facing front.  That’s just not real.


Our bodies are constantly moving.  Don’t believe me?  A hand on our chest or belly while we inhale and exhale should convince us.  Our outsides may be relatively still, but inside all kinds of stuff is rushing around:  blood, food, air, lymph, nerve impulses.


Neutral, in this context, is a place of rest amid the busyness.  Neutral is where we don’t have to do a bunch of work to hold some arbitrary position.  To paraphrase Anne Morrow Lindbergh, we need to find our still axis within the revolving wheel of our movements.


This is where we breathe and come home to ourselves.

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