Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Say What Now?

I am nothing if not a repository for random factoids.  Today’s tidbit comes from a webinar I watched recently.  It was not central to the topic of the webinar at all, but I had one of those “Wait, what?” moments when a presenter said that overuse of antibiotics is driving a rise in ruptures of the Achilles tendon.


That sounded fishy to me.  While I certainly do not think we should be taking antibiotics unless they’re really necessary because we don’t want superbugs out there, I did not see any inherent connection between those drugs and our tendons.  I could have just gone on with my life, but instead, I checked it out.  Internet search for the win!


It turns out (link here!) that certain common antibiotics do have adverse effects on our connective tissue.


The lesson here, besides taking antibiotics when necessary and not willy-nilly, is that we need to be open to examining things we find surprising or counterintuitive.  Science is our friend.  When we hear something unexpected or surprising, we need to evaluate what, if any, evidence there is.


Play smart! 

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