I have been making lists of reasons to work out for a long time. I’m about to make another one, of the first five that pop into my head, but before I do, I need to point out something: my reasons are not everyone’s reasons. We all need to make our own lists and we need to work out for our own reasons. When we try to work out for someone else’s reasons, we are not being real and that almost never leads to lasting success. It is also uncomfortable, even if we love the person whose reasons we are using very much. Maybe my list will be inspirational, in a good way or in a no-way-in-hell kind of way, but I am doing it wrong if it does not encourage everyone else to make a personal list.
Why I work out, today:
1. So my body doesn’t freeze this way. Mobility only lasts as long as we use it.
2. Because doing spin improves my mood. I am much nicer after spin. My family should be glad I have a spin bike!
3. Because it feels good. This reason applies particularly to yoga and Pilates. It is pretty luxurious to take time to move slowly and deliberately and to stretch.
4. Because I get to check it off my to-do list. Never underestimate the power of the check mark. Or the sticker, for that matter, on a chart.
5. Because it is good for me in the long term. This reason is last because it’s pretty abstract. I’m much more motivated by short-term stuff, but I do find that I want to be active and healthy for a long time to come. Working out is how I intend to get there.
Go make your list!