Wednesday, January 6, 2021


We are really good at deciding that something needs to be done about our fitness.  And then… we aren’t sure where to begin.  There are, of course, many ways to answer that implied question.  Here are a few things to consider:


What do we want to be able to do?  Some of us want to lift heavy things.  Some of us want to run long distances.  Some of us just want smaller jeans.  We want to start with the things that will put us on the path to our actual goals.  So, if we want to lift heavy objects, we begin with weights; if we want to run long distances, we start with short ones; if we want to get smaller jeans, we burn calories.


What do we like to do?  Pretty much all of us need to do some cardio exercise of some kind, but there are zillions of kinds out there.  People who detest running might like skiing or dancing or swimming.  Some of us love biking or skating.  Working out is difficult enough without the added disincentive of talking ourselves into doing something that we hate.


What do we need to do?  If we are starting from the couch, we need to check in with our doctors to make sure that we are clear to exercise.  Most people starting from the very beginning need to build up some basic endurance before getting fancy:  this means working up to 30 minutes of cardio five days a week.  Those of us with heart issues, blood pressure issues, bone density issues, and the like will need to listen carefully to what the doctor says to stay safe and healthy.


Need some guidance?  Ask me!!!!

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