Monday, May 13, 2024

Monday Workout: Variation

Small variations can be interesting!  We’re trying out prisoner squats this week.  Three rounds.


push press








kb swings


kb twists


kb 8s




prisoner squats


bench press





Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Amazing Stickie and YTW

The Amazing Stickie has amazing arms, natch.  One way she keeps them amazing is by doing YTW.  (The exercise is named for the shapes the arms make.  Neither Stickie nor I can say why that W is not an M.)  (You can feel free to call it whatever you like!)

Stickie begins in a slight squat.  She raises her arms, with or without small weights, into a Y shape with her upper arms in line with her ears.  Then she opens her arms out into a T shape.  Finally, she bends her elbows so that her upper arms stay parallel to the floor and her forearms point down toward it.


Ten or so reps should do it.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Strong and Powerful

Recently I watched yet another Pilates video.  The discussion ranged over a wide variety of topics, but the one that stood out to me was the tyranny of correctness.

Of course when we do Pilates (or any other kind of workout, for that matter), we want to achieve correct form.  However, that achievement takes time and practice.  I often say to my clients (and myself!) that we are approximating our way to greatness.


What’s more important than form?  Self-efficacy.  Not one of us is perfect.  Most of us are not going to look like the picture in the book.  What we can do is to do the best we can right now, today.  We, as movers, need to feel that we are capable.  We need to make the attempt to do hard things.


Our teachers help us best when they celebrate what we can do and encourage us to keep trying.  The goal is always going to be out there, somewhere beyond where we are now.


Good thing we’re strong and powerful!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


One of the things I do in my copious spare time (ha!) is to watch Pilates videos.  Some are fabulous and full of useful insights and some not so much.  Recently, however, the discussion I watched included the idea that many of us are “chasing health.”

What the speaker meant by that was that we work out, we eat our vegetables, drink our water in pursuit of some abstract idea of health.  Our doctors threaten us or we read some magazine article about the hidden dangers of [insert random aspect of modern life here].  Off we trudge to the gym in order to avoid something Much Worse.


This is not sustainable.


Maybe we aren’t at a place where we love going to the gym, but we want to try to go because of how it makes us feel good in our bodies.  We want to enjoy ease of movement.  We want joy in our lives.


Fear doesn’t give us that.


Find the joy.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Monday Workout: Coordinate

I love compound exercises because we get more work done in less time, plus we exercise our brains coordinating all that movement!  Three rounds.




upright row






overhead step ups


squat heel lift


Arnold press




lateral bound or side lunge




Russian twist



Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Amazing Stickie and Good Morning

The Amazing Stickie is a stickler for good form.  She knows that the good morning exercise is very similar to a deadlift, but because of the way the weight is carried it can actually help improve deadlift form.  To do good mornings, Stickie uses a weighted bar.  If no weighted bar is available, a broomstick is a useful tool.


Stickie begins standing in good posture with her feet about shoulder width apart.  She holds the bar across her back slightly below the top of her shoulders.  Then she hinges forward at the hips and straightens back up.  The bar helps her to keep her upper spine straight, which keeps her lower back from having to do too much work.


Sets of ten are good.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Drink Water

It’s time for a periodic reminder:  drink water!


Dehydrated people are crabby people.  Dehydration also contributes to injury.  None of our body processes run as well when we are dehydrated.  Plus we eat less when we’re properly hydrated.


Need another reason?  We get to stand up more often because we need to use the bathroom when we’re drinking enough.


Do it.