The quote has been
attributed to various people, and, really, attaching it to someone particularly
brainy doesn’t make it any more or less valid; I don’t care who said something
like time exists to keep everything from happening at once, but I agree with
the idea. Agreeing with it does not mean
that I always like it.
I, like many people, have
enthusiasms. I get inspired and I want
to do All The Things. I want to do them
all Right Now. That this is not possible
does not stop me from trying.
When we have a fitness
goal, many of us start by overdoing it.
Sometimes this leads to injury.
More often, it leads to exhaustion.
Then we feel sore and discouraged.
Maybe we give up and rekindle our romance with the couch.
Fitness is not an exam
that we can cram for at the last minute.
It is, like it or not, one of those things that we have to do, more or
less faithfully, most days. As time
passes, we get better. We can do it.