It is news to no one that
we sometimes make bad decisions. That’s
just life. We are not perfect and, if we
were, we would have no stories to tell, which would be pretty darn awful.
Good stories come out of
what we do after we make bad decisions.
When we realize that we are lost, or that we shouldn’t have said that
thing, or had that third drink, or sat on the couch for an entire week and we
decide to do something about it, we move into the protagonist space. We have an obstacle and we get to overcome
it. Sure, the obstacle may not look like
a dragon or a mountain. Maybe our
personal monster looks like a pair of too-tight jeans or a pile of empty soda
cans. No matter what it looks like, the
way to win is to start working.
Step one might be as
simple as standing up. Maybe we make a
call to a friend. Maybe we go for a
walk. If we don’t know what step one is,
we can ask.
I’m here for goal-setting
and non-couch-sitting if anyone needs me!