Tuesday, September 18, 2018

It's pretty much always dark at 5.

It is beginning to feel a little more like fall, especially early in the morning when my dog wakes me up to walk.  Getting outside first thing in the morning does help me stay in tune with what is going on with the seasons, although I have to say that dark is dark no matter what season it is.  I see that someone’s apples are ripening and their persimmons are beginning to color.  A lot of roses have transitioned from bloom to hip.  The air feels more energetic and slightly damper.

Maybe our bodies want to make a transition, too.  What faded petals can we discard?  What leaves have dried up and need to blow away?  Maybe we need to add some color.  Some of us feel more zip in the fall and it might be time to kick it up a notch on the cardio.  Others of us feel a turn inward and might want to consider some restorative exercise like yoga or Pilates.

In any case, a fitness change can be a good thing.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Monday Workout: Instability!

This week we are doing some work with instability.  Asymmetric exercises like the single arm clean and press force us to use more core control.  Doing some of our usual exercises on the bosu has the same effect:  balance requires core work!  Three rounds.

1 arm clean and press

bosu mountain climbers
bosu squats
bosu lateral raises

lunge to curl
barbell twist

Thursday, September 13, 2018

We figured out who did it, but what was the motive?

Earlier this week, I wrote about my Fitbit and how I’m not using it right now.  I’m exploring different ways of motivating myself.  All of us need to figure out what works in our individual cases.  Here are some suggestions.

• Yes, the Fitbit.  Or other tracker.  Maybe you want to go all elementary school on yourself and make yourself a chart with stickers.  If it makes you feel good, go nuts.

• Rewards.  If you want to walk, but you don’t really feel like it, pick a destination that is a reward, like your favorite cafĂ© or your friend’s house or the beach.  Make yourself a preferred customer card and when you get ten punches, get yourself a present.  Make a list of things you want and pair them up with target weights on the scale or new weight lifting records.

• Pick something you like in the first place.  If you love to dance, it’s not hard to get out and boogie.  If you live for pedaling, biking is a no-brainer.

• Do it socially.  Maybe you don’t love yoga, but you love your friend who loves yoga.  Go to hang out with her and get bonus points for working out.