I’m wearing my Captain Obvious cape this morning, at least to start: workouts can be hard. This is pretty much the basis of my career. If workouts were easy, no one would need me.
The thing is, not working out is also hard, just in a different way. I tend to focus on the positive, but for a moment, I’m going to talk about what happens to us when we choose to avoid all the workouts. When we don’t exercise, we find that stairs become more challenging. We get tired and out of breath faster. We lose muscle tone. Jar lids defeat us. Carrying the groceries gets harder. We may lose our balance more often. It even gets harder to pick up our socks from the floor. And that’s just the direct physical stuff.
We may find that it is harder to manage our moods and our stress levels. Our brains might feel a bit fuzzier. We may not like how we feel or how we look.
Healthy bodies come in many, many shapes, so this is not intended in any way to be fat-shaming, but when we don’t exercise, we may find that it is harder to stay at the same weight. This can be inconvenient, unless we have an unlimited budget for clothes.
A lot of things in life are hard. This is unfortunate, but true. The good news is that we can choose, in some cases, what kind of hard. Working out is one of the hard things that, I think, is worth the trouble.
Go play.