We all have times when we really don’t want to work out. We are really good at thinking of reasons why we should skip a workout or two or three—I’m tired and stressed and it takes too long and maybe my knee would feel better with a rest and what if the baby cries and how will I get my chores done and now work is texting me…
Fine. Skip one. We are not going to lose the great gold medal in the sky for skipping one workout.
What’s the catch? Well, we only get to skip one (unless we are truly sick or injured, in which case we wait until our doctor and/or physical therapist clears us to work out again, because that’s just smart.).
When we give ourselves permission to skip one and only one, we have to pause and think about things. Is this the busiest day of my week, or is it only going to get worse? Am I going to feel better or worse once I get started? If I do my minimum workout, does it really take that long? How much more effective will I be when my mind is clearer from my workout? Isn’t it time that work respected my boundaries?
There are definitely times when the right answer is not to work out. Resting is a valid and useful thing. But it is also good to think through our decisions.
Go play. Or not. It’s up to each of us to choose.