Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Workout for Every Kind of Stress...

We are all experiencing the current times in different ways, but I think it is pretty safe to say that we’re all finding new and exciting sources of stress.  I say all the time (and it’s a pretty prevalent idea in the culture) that exercise is good for stress, but different kinds of exercise, having slightly different flavors, work in different ways.

If stress is causing depression-like symptoms, what we need to do is cardio.  We need the extra energy and the mood-boosting power of heart pumping to help with that particular kind of stress.  (Note:  exercise is no substitute for actual mental health treatment.  Talk to your therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist and take your meds.  You are important and valuable and I’m always here to listen if you need a friend.)

If we find that stress is spiking our anxiety or that our entire bodies have seized up with tension, what we need is something on the yoga/Pilates order.  We practice our breathing and we move gently in ways that help our muscles lengthen.

And, finally, if our stress springs from feeling like we have lost all power in the world because random or not-random things keep happening to us, we need to lift weights.  The weights do not mind if we express our anger at them.  We can burn our rage and calories at the same time.  And at the end, we will be stronger.

Repeating it one more time:  If you need a friend, call/text/message me.  I’m here for you.

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