Wednesday, March 4, 2020

There is always strawberry...

One reason it is good to experiment with lots of different kinds of exercise is that we then have choices.  I might wake up in the morning feeling strong, so I can get my weights done that day.  If I’m a little sluggish or depressed, I can choose cardio to improve my energy level and lift my mood.  If I’m stiff, I can do some Pilates or yoga.  Really bad mood?  Time to go swimming.

We all have to adjust to the weather, time constraints, sleep patterns, injuries, illnesses, traffic, and whatever effect phases of the moon might have on our days (that last one is worse if we happen to be werewolves…).  Having lots of options means that we are less likely to have to suck up doing some kind of exercise we would really rather not do in the current circumstances.

Please note:  I am not advocating having so many options that we run into the jam problem (that thing where we are in the store, facing an entire wall of different kinds of jam, and we feel absolutely unable to make a selection because our brains shut down instead of being willing to compare fig with raspberry-blueberry with orange marmalade with sugar-free boysenberry).  We can narrow our options based on our mood to strength or cardio or flexibility and go from there.

We can enjoy abundance!

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