Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thanksgiving happens on a Thursday...

Gratitude is good for us.  Practicing it makes us better at it and also helps us experience more joy.  In hard times, it can be a challenge to find the good parts (and sometimes it is all right to make a list of all the things that suck.  We are allowed to feel our feelings.).  Here are five fitness-related things I am thankful for:

1.     My body.  My body is not perfect.  It is getting older.  I’ve injured it in various places.  There are bulges and aches and sometimes weird noises.  And yet, my body gets me where I want to go and lets me experience this fabulous world of ours.
2.     Science.  How many of us would not be alive now if it weren’t for science?  If I managed to survive the childhood illnesses I was vaccinated against, I would not have survived giving birth to my first child without the interventions of science and medicine.  We can use science to help us get and stay healthy, and to plan our fitness programs to be most effective for our bodies.
3.     Nature.  We thrive on fresh air and sunlight and water and trees.  A workout is made better if we see flowers or meet friendly dogs.
4.     Indoor plumbing.  Not only does the plumbing help us keep germs in their place, but we also have showers and baths.  Fitness without smelling horrible forever is a Good Thing.
5.     Strength.  Yes, I mean the kind that I use to move my own furniture and open my own jars, but I also mean the kind that helps me finish difficult tasks because I have practiced doing hard things before.

What are YOU grateful for today?

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