Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fall fall fall

Early in the morning, it’s possible to tell that the season is changing—maybe not so much in the afternoon when it is still so warm out.  It takes a little longer to get light, the morning air is a little crisper, and even my furry alarm clock is likely to sleep past five a.m.  Some of us will rejoice in the change and some not so much.  The thing is that, rejoicing or bewailing notwithstanding, the change is going to happen.

Well, of course it is.  And why do I bother to point this out?  Because it is happening in our bodies, too.  Every day we get up with a changed body.  We are a day older.  We feel the results of how we moved or ate or slept.

We may not have any control over the tilt of the planet, the rotation of the earth, or the revolutions of heavenly bodies, but we can take some measure of control over how our bodies change over time.  None of us are going to manage to stave off aging and death forever, but we can choose to wake up stiff from building muscle mass rather than from building our reputation as a champion binge-watcher.

I am a fan of fall.  To me, it is a season of huge energy as the old stuff withers away and space is created for new growth.  The heat-induced lethargy of summer fades away and I find myself ready for whatever comes.

If change is inevitable, let’s choose how we’re going to direct it!

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