Wednesday, March 30, 2022

One Two Three Kick

A gazillion years ago when I was in high school, I had a friend who always said, “Kicking is a sign of affection.”  His point was not that we should go around kicking people (definitely not recommended!), whether we like them or not, but that someone who kicks us is not indifferent to us.  (Yes, people who can only express their feelings by hurting other people need to do some work on their stuff so they can become functional humans.)  Indifference can be more painful than outright dislike.


What does this have to do with working out?  Oh, right, I’m supposed to tell weird anecdotes that have a purpose.  A lot of people come to workouts wanting me to “kick their butts.”


Obviously, I do not literally comply.  However, what those folks are asking me to do is to care enough about them to help them work to their full potential, even if it is hard.  When I approach my clients with love, I will push them.  They will finish their workouts tired and sweaty.  And they will get stronger.  I do it because I care.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Healthy, all the way around

I am not a therapist.  It is beyond the scope of my practice to diagnose or treat illness, bodily or mental, of any kind.


I do, however, help people feel better, in body and mind.


Bodies like to move.  I help people move their bodies in ways that are healthy for them.  We push a little, but not too much.  Ideally, my clients end up good tired at the end.  I plan workouts that mix some cardio, some weight training, some balance work, and a bit of stretching, so we cover all the bases.  And I’m right there, the whole time, offering accountability, encouragement, or both.


The links between exercise and mental health are many.  Science has demonstrated that cardio exercise in particular lifts mood.  Just showing up for a workout and doing it can help people feel like they have accomplished at least one thing.  Then when clients begin to get physically stronger, somehow they also feel mentally stronger.


Bottom line is that working out is good for our whole selves.


Go play. 

Monday, March 28, 2022

Monday Workout: Sideways!

A lot of life runs front and back, but sometimes we need to go sideways, so this week we’re taking our usual step ups and turning them.  There are several ways to do this, but the one I like best involves stepping up sideways with the right foot, bringing the left foot up on to the step, then stepping down on the other side of the step with the right foot and bringing the left foot down; then step up with the left foot and continue on.  Three rounds.


side step ups




Arnold press





1 leg deadlift rows






(lunge) punches




Russian twist



Thursday, March 24, 2022

Four things

Things to do on a rest day:


1.     Go for a walk.  A relaxing one, not a death march.  Take a friend and chat, or take photos, or listen to music.

2.     Take a nap.

3.     Stretch a little.  This is not the day for super double extra hot yoga with weights.  Just some gentle movement to let the muscles lengthen and relax.

4.     Nothing.  It’s a rest day.  Rest!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Oilcan, part 2

Yesterday I wrote about my oilcan exercises and why I do them as an example.  However, since everyone else has a different body than I do, here are some things we might want to include for various issues:


If you are recovering from an injury:

            • Do the exercises your physical therapist has given you.

            • Stretch whatever feels tight.


If you have knee issues:

            • Do band walks or band squats

            • Use sliders to do skating

            • Do hamstring curls with a stability ball or sliders


If you have shoulder issues:

            • Do supine arm twists

            • Do arm arcs with or without a foam roller

            • Do floor angels with or without a foam roller


If you have lower back pain:

            • Do pelvic tilts and/or bridging as possible

            • Do core exercises (e.g., femur arcs, pretty princesses, brains)


If you have ankle/foot issues:

            • Do toe lifts

            • Point and flex feet

            • Make ankle smiles or circles

            • Do calf raises


If you need to work on balance:

            • Do single leg squats

            • Do single leg deadlifts

            • Do calf raises, on two legs then one leg

            • Do core exercises


If I didn’t mention your particular issue:

            • Talk to me!


As always, don’t do anything that hurts!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Oilcan, part 1

One of my clients asked me about my oilcan exercises.  Somebody might have a better term for them than I made up, but oilcan exercises are the things we do every day to keep our bodies mobile, the equivalent of the Tin Man’s oilcan in The Wizard of Oz.


Because we are all unique Tin People, what we need in our oilcans will vary.  Additionally, our bodies change over time.  We may realize that our continuous practice has made a former problem area stronger, so we can remove something from our oilcan list.  Or, conversely, we may have an injury or develop a new issue that needs the oilcan daily TLC, making the list longer.  However, we want to make sure that our oilcan list does not take more than five or ten minutes, start to finish (once we’re familiar with it!), because if it gets longer than that, we will just not do it.


I hesitate to share my oilcan list because, as I just said, we’re all different, but I am the handiest example and I’ll explain why the various things are on my list as a way to access the kind of thinking we need to put into the process.


Here’s what I do:



ball under PSIS/glute

supine arm twist

supine hip circles

supine thigh press

supine knee to chest

half happy baby

bridge with block

side leg lifts


pelvic floor


Now I’m going to explain why.


1.     YTB – this stands for Yoga Tune-up Balls.  They are a brand-name item and come in pairs in a little mesh bag.  They’re about as dense as a Pinky ball (remember those?) and two of those in a sock would be a good and cheaper alternative.  (People who want a less firm option can use tennis balls; people who want a firmer option can use lacrosse balls.)  There are gazillions of ways to use them for self-myofascial release, but I limit myself to two ways on a daily basis.  I get on all fours and roll my shins on them to help my ankles flex better.  This relieves my plantar fasciitis symptoms and improves my ankle function.  For me, this is important because I have ruptured my plantar fascia and I do not want to repeat the process ever again.  Then I put the balls in their little bag so that the space between them lines up at the base of my spine as I am lying down.  I roll them up my spine from the bottom to the top, slowly, letting them release the knots.

2.     ball under PSIS/glute.  This is another YTB thing.  I, like most people in our culture, am functionally scoliotic, which means that the muscles in my trunk pull my right shoulder and hip toward each other.  This affects my posture.  It also does not play nicely with my hip issues (right hip pain due to overuse in biking/spin).  To even out the muscle tension, I put one of the balls under my right glute and the other under my left PSIS as I lie on the floor.  (PSIS stands for posterior superior iliac spine, which is the top of the pelvis in the back, the spot where the dimple is!).  I take at least five breaths in this position to allow my body to adjust.

3.     supine arm twist.  This is one I do both with the YTBs and without.  I lie on my back with my knees bent, feet flat on the floor.  The first time through, I put the balls just above my bra strap.  With straight arms, I put my palms together over my breast bone.  Keeping my arms straight and my hips down, I twist my arms right and left, staring at the ceiling.  This hurts.  It is the good kind of hurt, but it may take some getting used to.  I repeat the exercise, taking my head with me (looking at my thumbs).  I repeat it one more time, my head turning the opposite direction as my arms.  I take the balls out and repeat the whole sequence.  The purpose of this exercise is to loosen up the 100+ joints in the thoracic spine.  Movement in the thoracic spine allows better breathing, which enables better posture and more aligned movement.  This exercise is great for anyone stuck in a chair for long periods during the day.

4.     supine hip circles.  Lying on my back, I extend one leg along the floor and take the other one up into a tabletop position.  Using my hand, not my leg muscles, I circle my femur in the hip socket five times in each direction and then repeat with the other leg.  This exercise helps move nutrition into the hip joint (synovial joints get nutrients via movement not circulation), helps set the head of the femur deep into the socket, and improves stability at the sacroiliac joint.  For me, it also reduces hip pain.

5.     supine thigh press.  Again, lying on my back with one leg in tabletop, I press the opposite hand into my thigh as I press the thigh into my hand (isometric pressure).  This improves SI joint stability and reduces hip pain.

6.     supine knee to chest.  Still lying on my back, I hug one knee to my chest while pressing the other leg away from me along the floor.  Then I do it on the other side.  This improves flexibility in the hip joint, stretches the butt muscles, and reduces hip pain.

7.     half happy baby.  Happy baby is a yoga pose in which I lie on my back holding both feet with my hands, knees pulling in toward my armpits and feet poking up toward the ceiling.  Half happy baby is just like it except that one leg is stretched out along the ground.  Both the whole and half versions stretch the lower back and behind and do good things for the SI joint and, again, work to reduce hip pain.

8.     bridge with block.  Bridging takes the spine through a full range of motion, so it is a good exercise for almost everyone (do a bridge without articulation if you have osteopenia or osteoporosis!).  Adding a yoga block under the sacrum on the last rep provides some traction for the lower spine.  I do it to improve glute strength, lengthen my spine, work my pelvic floor, wake up my hamstrings, and align my knees.

9.     side leg lift.  This is exactly what it sounds like.  I lie on my side, legs long.  With a flexed foot, I lift and lower my top leg, keeping my hips still and stacked on each other.  Then I roll over and do the other side.  This is more hip nourishment, alignment practice, and pain prevention.

10.  mermaid.  With my legs in a Z-sit (one shin parallel to the shoulders in front of the body, the other tucked back along the side of the body), I inhale my arms out to the side and then exhale as I side bend away from my back foot.  I do about five reps and then stretch the other way.  Then I repeat on the other side.  This exercise works the internal and external rotation of my hips, helps me align and create space in my spine, and stretches out my rib muscles.

11.  pelvic floor.  As a person who has had two babies and a hysterectomy, I have pelvic floor issues.  I do a quick series of exercises to keep the pelvic floor strong and functional.


This is a long post already, so I’ll discuss what exercises a person might want for some hypothetical issues tomorrow.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Monday Workout: Efficiency!

We are working, as usual, on all our compound exercises to burn calories, build muscle, and pump up our metabolisms.  Three rounds.


squat to leg lift


bench press





suitcase swings




reverse flies




sprinter starts


renegade rows


pretty princesses