Wednesday, March 30, 2022

One Two Three Kick

A gazillion years ago when I was in high school, I had a friend who always said, “Kicking is a sign of affection.”  His point was not that we should go around kicking people (definitely not recommended!), whether we like them or not, but that someone who kicks us is not indifferent to us.  (Yes, people who can only express their feelings by hurting other people need to do some work on their stuff so they can become functional humans.)  Indifference can be more painful than outright dislike.


What does this have to do with working out?  Oh, right, I’m supposed to tell weird anecdotes that have a purpose.  A lot of people come to workouts wanting me to “kick their butts.”


Obviously, I do not literally comply.  However, what those folks are asking me to do is to care enough about them to help them work to their full potential, even if it is hard.  When I approach my clients with love, I will push them.  They will finish their workouts tired and sweaty.  And they will get stronger.  I do it because I care.

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