Time for a list of things that
induce happiness, which reduces stress, which increases health. Ten things!
1. Going
2. Singing
along with the radio, in the shower, or with friends.
3. Hot
water. May combine with tea and
consume, or bubbles and soak.
4. Bubbles. Blowing them compels breathing, which
is always good.
5. Hugs.
6. Knock
knock jokes. Or puns. Or banana peels. Whatever it takes to make laughter.
7. Babies,
human or animal.
8. Art,
visual, performance, textual, etc.
Make it or check it out.
9. Sweat. If achieved through chores/yardwork,
bonus points for achievement. If
achieved through exercise, bonus points for health. If achieved through sex, double bonus points that require no
10. Gratitude. If things could be worse, that means
there are things to be grateful for, and things could always be worse.