Sometimes all we need to make
exercise fun is a new toy or game.
For those of us who enjoy the thrill of victory or who seek to avoid the
agony of defeat, any kind of contest can do the trick: who can do more pushups with proper
form? Who can get to the corner
fastest? Betcha I can ride my bike
farther than last week…
For some of us, it’s all about
something out of the ordinary.
Tired of looking at the dumbbells?
Say hi to the TRX! All
zumba-ed out? Spin class! Snoring too much during savasana? Try Pilates instead.
Sometimes it helps to go outside
if we always work out inside, or vice versa. Sometimes we need to jump on the box instead of thinking
outside it. Maybe all we really
need is a new soundtrack.
And, bonus points: our bodies like novelty! We learn more from doing what is
unfamiliar, even if we are bad at it.