Tuesday, April 25, 2023


It might just be my circles, but it seems like almost everyone I talk to lately is feeling a bit overwhelmed.  Sometimes fitness seems like one more too-difficult thing in a too-difficult day.

It might be true.  If it is truly too much to add to the day’s tasks, it is all right to take a rest day.  Our goal is to have a healthy, balanced life, not an award for perfect attendance.


However.  (You knew that was coming, right?)


When things feel overwhelming, sometimes what we need can be found in the gym.  Cardio elevates mood and increases our energy level and helps our brains work.  Strength training makes us strong (duh!), but also teaches us that we can do hard things.  Working on physical balance can help us, metaphorically, achieve life balance.  And our mind-body practices help us tune in to our breathing, calm down, and relax.


If we can manage to invest even a few minutes in movement, we may find that the rest of the day is less overwhelming.  Plus we get the rush of ticking off something on the to-do list.

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