Wednesday, September 9, 2020

All Systems Go!

I love systems.  I love them even more if they involve office supplies.  We all have our favorite, most-cherished delusions, and one of mine is that one day I will get the right office supplies and the instant magical result will be that I am Organized, Successful, and Generally Fabulous.  In the meantime, I have a bunch of pens and clipboards and binders and I live in mostly happy chaos.


Because I am a Trained Professional, I am actually organized about my clients.  I keep track of their workouts, preferences, dislikes, injuries, and goals.  It helps me help them.


What I notice for myself is that doing even a little bit of organization and tracking helps a lot.  The small, incremental changes don’t show up until I look back a ways.  That thing that used to be hard is much easier now.  I understand the point of that Pilates exercise on the 854th attempt.  I realize that Thursdays are not the best day to try to accomplish anything, if only because it turns out that I never manage to write down what I did for a workout on a Thursday.


Some people are doubtless scoffing at my hapless self.  Some of us were born color-coding and filing.  Others of us are rolling their eyes because WHY would anyone waste time on this whole organizational business when there is important stuff to do.  That’s okay.  The world needs the whole spectrum of us with our varying gifts.  The slightly obsessive organizers could probably benefit from getting on with the actual workout and the more free-spirited might learn something from a pause to analyze.


My job is to suggest tools.  Then we get to use them together to make amazing stuff.

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