Thursday, December 12, 2019

Better with a buddy

As we try to pack more in to these short December days when everyone seems to need something from us, may I suggest an alternative to the coffee or movie date?  The workout hangout!  Here are four reasons to grab a friend for working out:

1.     We’ll do it.  It’s really easy to flake on ourselves, but less so to flake on a friend.  When we plan to work out with a buddy, it’s “real” so we show up.
2.     We can try something different.  Our friends probably don’t work out exactly the way we do.  Maybe we have a friend who loves yoga or line dancing.  Going with those folks gives us an easy entry into something new.
3.     We get bonus points.  A lot of our culture leaves us feeling disconnected.  Boosting our brain chemistry by exercising is awesome; doing it with a friend strengthens ties while we strengthen muscles.
4.     We have more fun.  Some parts of exercise are not that exciting.  Having someone to chat with can make the difference between persisting and quitting.  We can encourage each other, spot each other, and generally have each other’s back.

What are we waiting for?

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