Thursday, June 6, 2019

Hey, baby, what are you planning to wear???

I have this fantasy where I am the cool chick with the laid-back life, ready to go on adventures instantly.  Go on:  crush my dreams.  Here in reality land, I know that one of my skills is planning.  I also know that planning makes my life much cooler, even though it sounds incredibly boring.

Planning is what makes my workouts work.  I don’t have to figure out what to do in the moment because I already figured out what this week’s workouts were going to be while I planned for my clients.  I don’t have to try to decide what kind of snack to feed my starving self that has some vague relationship to healthy food in the moment because I thought about it while I was making the week’s grocery list.

Anyone with fitness goals is deciding to make some peace with planning, as unsexy as it is.  Goals don’t do anything unless we have plans to get them done.

And I can always use my skills to plan for an amazing adventure…

1 comment:

  1. I know lots of people who find preparedness sexy. Just sayin'
