The traditional image for
motivational methods is the carrot and the stick. Despite the fact that I actually detest
carrots, my preference is for reward-based motivations. Here is a list of possible carrots to offer
ourselves when we complete a fitness goal, big or small:
• Watery things. Some of us like baths. Hot showers are also nice. Hot tubs are even better. Dipping our toes in the ocean takes
everything up a notch. One of the things
I like about swimming is that the reward is built right in—I’m in the water!!!!
• Sweet things. Probably not cake, sorry. (Not that I have anything against cake! I love cake!
We just need to save cake for special occasions, not fitness
rewards.) I’m thinking of things like
long hugs and walks in the moonlight.
Maybe coffee with an old friend or a coloring session with a little
kid. Things that make us feel connected
and loved—those are the kind of sweet things that feed us more deeply.
• Silly things. Watch that goofball comedy. Dance around the kitchen with the cat. Try on five outrageous hats at the store. Paint your toenails in rainbows. If it makes you laugh, it’s a reward.
• Creative things. Take photos.
Arrange flowers. Try Sri Lankan
cooking (which is truly delicious, by the way…). Go dance to a local band. And hey, it will help get the brains working
to think up even more fabulous rewards!