Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday Workout: Ropes Galore!

I admit I am a little obsessed with the battle ropes right now.  I love how they work core and upper body and cardio and even the lower body without straining the knees.  Three rounds.

rope double slams
bench press
reverse fly
rope alternating slams
1 leg deadlift
rope double dutch
med ball skullcrushers
Russian twist

Friday, April 19, 2019

Friday Reading Report: Stretching Anatomy

As I have said more than once, stretching is a part of fitness that is often ignored.  It doesn’t have the same cachet as some of the sweatier parts of fitness, and yet it is crucial to having a healthy body that works in the real world.  There are many decent books on stretching out there.  Stretching Anatomy by Arnold G. Nelson and Jouko Kokkonen is a useful addition to the collection.

The stretches are sorted by body region.  The illustrations are clear and helpful and the instructions make sense.

I don’t happen to agree with the authors’ views on pain levels in stretching.  The kind of severe stretching they recommend at the top end seem counterproductive to me.  I recommend using good judgment in deciding how intense to make stretches.

The book is on my shelf if anyone would like to borrow it!

Thursday, April 18, 2019


I spent a chunk of time studying nutrition over the last year, as anyone who has heard me complain knows.  It was useful and interesting.  I have one categorical piece of advice:  drink water.

Our personal chemistry sets use water in almost all our processes.  We need it to digest, to transport, and to lubricate.  Without it, we die.

I am not foolish enough to try to take away anyone’s coffee.  That’s crazy talk.  But we do need to keep in mind that caffeine is a diuretic, so we may need to drink more water along with that coffee (or tea…).  We also need to be careful about other liquids:  juice, soda, and alcohol.  The first two have a lot of sugar in them, which means they are full of calories, while not being all that full of nutrition (fruits are better than juices, mostly because we get lots of fiber along with the vitamins and phytochemicals and other good stuff; diet soda is full of unpronounceable chemicals and in general, fewer of them in the diet is better.).  Alcohol is also a diuretic, meaning we need to drink more water as we increase our consumption.  It has a lot of calories, no other nutrients, and an ability to interfere with our bodies’ ability to absorb other nutrients.

Maybe it’s not fun to drink water.  There are at least two ways to handle that.  One is:  suck it up.  Not everything we do is fun.  The headaches and performance impairment we get from dehydration aren’t fun, either.  We are adults and sometimes we have to do stuff we’d rather not do because it is good for us.  The other is to try to find a way to make it more fun.  If that means fizzy water or lemon slices or cucumber slices or even a paper umbrella, do it.

We’re nicer, smarter, and healthier when we’re hydrated.  Drink up!