Thursday, January 4, 2018

See the Love? Right there, in the plant!

Sometimes we get too enthusiastic and we end up, well, sore.  I’m not talking about when we are actually injured—in that case, go to the doctor and do what she or he tells you to do.  But when we’ve overdone ourselves a bit, here are a few things that can help:

• Ibuprofen.  It is all right not to want to be in pain.  You can build character by being nice to people who cut you off in traffic instead.

• Ice.  If you have swelling, ice will help reduce it.

• Heat.  It helps dissolve tension.  Bonus points for a bath with Epsom salts.

• Rest.  You’ll come back stronger.

• Love.  You are valuable.  Treat yourself like it!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Big Gulps (Not That Kind)

When I write about breathing, I usually do it from the perspective of slowing down, of tuning in, of chilling out.  Today, not so much.

Let’s breathe hard today.  There are lots of ways to get to that point.  We can run, lift, dance, swim, bike, walk, or ellipt (that would be the verb form for using the elliptical machine, right?).  We can take the stairs.  We can race the kids or the dog.  Whatever it takes, today is a great day to put those lungs to the test.

Big gulps, people!  It’s good for us!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


The new year can be overwhelming.  We’ve just had a week or so of celebrating and family and food and presents and and and.  Suddenly, we are back to reality and there is so much to do!

Here is my advice for today:  do one good thing.  Just one.  Maybe that one thing is going for a walk.  Maybe it’s drinking a glass of water.  Maybe it’s lifting weights.  Maybe it’s taking a much-needed nap.

Despite our best efforts, we cannot do everything at once.  We are not engaged in a race. 

One thing.  We can do it.