All right: we know what we want. Here’s what we need to do.
If we have cardio goals: Our first target is 150 minutes of cardio per week. Those of us who haven’t been outside since 2001 will need to work up to this, starting with something stupidly easy, like five minutes of cardio per day. We want to increase our time gradually, about 10 percent per week. (It is also all right to choose a distance and work up to longer distances instead. Do what works.) When we are building a cardio habit, I’m not actually in favor of total rest days unless we really need them. It is better to have a very light day than a total rest, just to keep our rhythm going. One rest day can magically turn into a rest month. Once we have hit our target 150 minutes, we can add intervals, work on speed, or increase the intensity some other way if we want.
If we want to get stronger: we need to have strength training goals. We start with one weight workout that works all our muscle groups per week. Once we’ve got that habit well established, we can add a second and even a third. In all our weight workouts, we need to adjust the weights so that we are challenged but not overwhelmed. This takes some practice and there will be some times when we overdo ourselves and need plenty of recovery time.
If we want to refine our movement, we probably want a Pilates goal. A session every week with a professional plus daily brief home practice should do the trick.
All of us need a stretching goal. It’s simple: stretch every day. Five minutes is a good start. Fifteen minutes should take care of everything amply.
Folks who want to lose weight and get more shapely need goals in all four categories.
Still need help? Talk to me!