When we work out, we are constantly seeking balance, literally and figuratively.
Literally, as we move, we are using our core musculature to stabilize ourselves so we don’t fall, no matter what our arms and legs happen to be doing. This happens whether we are thinking about it or not, but we can make a conscious effort to do asymmetric exercises to improve our skill more intentionally.
We’re also balancing a bunch of abstract concepts as we plan and execute our workouts. We have to work enough and rest enough. We need to work the top and bottom halves of the body, as well as the right and left halves. We need to do our cardio, but also our weight training (oh, yeah: and flexibility!). We need to fit all of this stuff in the limited time we have available so we can live the rest of our lives.
For both the literal and figurative challenges, the answer is the same: we need to know where our center is. When we strengthen our cores and our commitment to our core values, the balance improves.
Go play.