Tuesday, November 2, 2021

You're Getting Warmer

It’s cooling down outside, so, naturally, I’m going to talk about warming up.  On one level, I’m not a big believer in warm-up exercises.  The body will, in fact, warm up as we go along with our workout.  That said, we don’t want to jump right into the most difficult and heaviest and most demanding bits of our workouts.  We need a little preparation for that.


Now that I have everyone good and confused, let me unpack what warm-ups are and are not.  Warm-ups are essentially slower and less challenging versions of the exercises we do during our workout and/or some cardio to get our hearts moving.  They are kind of like practice versions of the real stuff.  Because of the way I design workouts, the first exercise is always a cardio one, so the warm-up is essentially built in.


A lot of people think of stretching as a warm-up exercise.  This is only sometimes true.  Doing static stretches before doing some movement is not super effective for flexibility, can cause muscle pulls, and, if we are looking for personal bests in our lifts, can, according to some studies, have a negative impact on our one rep max.  Dynamic stretching (think lunges or old-fashioned windmills) are better for warm-ups or static stretches can follow cardio.


In general, the older we are, the more warm-up we need.  Yes, this is unfair.  Please file the appropriate complaint form in the round file.  I would fix it if I could.  I will, however, point out that a little extra warm-up time is way better than sideline time due to injury.


Bottom line:  do a few minutes of cardio and maybe some dynamic stretching before doing the heavy lifting.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Monday Workouts: Burpees are back


We are getting aerobic this week with the return of burpees.  I’m not sorry.  Three rounds.


suitcase swings







squat to leg lift




burpees or pushups




mountain climbers


lateral raises


Russian twist


Thursday, October 28, 2021


For Halloween, I present some of the most common fears people have about working out and maybe some ways to cope with those fears:


1.     It will be too hard.  If the workout IS too hard, we don’t have to do it.  We are grown-ups and no one can make us.  We can go at our own pace, even if that pace is not the one we think we should be using.

2.     It will be embarrassing.  There are a couple of ways to deal with this one.  One is to embrace the embarrassment.  (Looking at me, every time I’ve gone to Zumba.)  Another is to work out at home or in a less-populated area of the gym or with people we trust to be kind to us. (BTW, there is a special place in hell for people who make fun of anyone working out, right next to child molesters and people who talk in the theater.) (Yes, that was a Firefly reference.)

3.     It won’t work.  Working out once is not going to transform us instantly.  It does take some time and some determination to make change.  I can say for sure that working out works better than not working out.

4.     It will work.  All of a sudden we are stronger and faster and more powerful!  Our friends and family will look at us differently!  Some of them may not like our new more awesome selves.  I’ll be blunt here:  anybody who does not want us to be our best selves does not love us.  They can go pound sand.  We don’t need that negative energy.

5.     I won’t like it.  Maybe not.  But there are tons and tons of different kinds of workouts out there.  We’ve all seen bad movies, but we don’t conclude that all movies are terrible; we just pick something else next time.

6.     I won’t know what to do.  Guess what?  There are lots of people who would love to help us with that (me included!).  The internet is full of workouts.  Gyms have helpful staff and orientation programs and actual instructors who give classes.  No one expects us to know what we are doing at the beginning; it is more than okay to get help.


Now the music at the gym?  That can be truly scary.  Best I can say is bring headphones. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Food Fight?

With Halloween rapidly approaching, we have officially arrived at Food Season.  It is never easy to make healthy food choices in our sugar-and-fat-and-salt-obsessed culture, but between now and January, we are going to be basically bombarded with cake, candy, gravy, pie, latkes, bacon, stuffing, and chocolate.  How do we survive?


Like with everything else:  we pay attention.  Of course we want to have some of Aunt Gertrude’s special peanut brittle, but we can notice that we’re actually satisfied with a few bites rather than an entire pound of it.  Note:  this means we can have some LATER!  Also note:  if it does turn out that we want a whole pound of it, the world will not end.  We will still be valuable human beings, worth far more than whatever number the scale shows us.


We also practice our tact.  “Yes, Aunt Gertrude, it is truly delicious and I love that you made this for me.  I just want to save some to share with Cousin Jimmy, too.”  A lot of people (myself included) think that loving people means feeding them.  We have to be sure to acknowledge the love even when we decline the third helping.


We move.  It is not possible to out-exercise an entire cake, but our good exercise habits will help burn off some of the extra calories.  Cardio is good, but doing some weight training will also improve our metabolisms.


Worst case?  We enjoy our holidays.  I hope we savor all the good parts and skip the less good parts.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

One sick workout??

I’ve had a cold for the last week or so, which means I have been thinking about whether or not to work out.  Here are some general guidelines for anyone in a similar situation.


First, we want to avoid “sharing” our illness with others.  This means skipping the gym workouts and the non-virtual classes and training sessions.  Having a home-based or outside workout for this situation is a good idea.  No one will like us if we share our germs, and this is especially true in pandemic times as flu season approaches.  I hope we have all learned a lot in the last while about taking care of other people’s health by staying away from them when we are sick, but it is never bad to be reminded.


Now that we’ve got public safety out of the way, we can address the personal issues.  One of the first things to keep in mind is that IT IS OKAY TO REST.  Sorry to shout, but it can be hard to be heard over the noise of the Protestant Work Ethic and all that advertising telling us we’re not doing enough to be fabulous and the general ick of the white-supremecist-imperialist-cis-normative-heteronormative-capitalist patriarchy.  Our bodies need more sleep when we are sick.  Fighting off bacterial or viral invaders takes a lot of energy.  If we don’t feel up to working out, we don’t have to do it.  The workouts will still be there for us when we feel better.


If we don’t feel like we need to rest all that much, it is still a good idea not to go for a personal record of any kind while we are sick.  Skip the hill route, substitute a walk for a run, do the body weight workout, or do restorative yoga.  This is one time when a light workout is definitely better than a challenging one.


Cardio is normally one of my favorite things because of its mood-boosting properties.  However, when just plain breathing is hard because we’re congested or coughing, it is best to choose something like stretching or yoga or light weight-lifting or Pilates.  Our bodies are working hard enough fighting the snot.


Another thing to consider is how well our brains are working.  When we are fuzzy-headed from congestion or from decongestants, we may not have the focus to keep ourselves safe while working out.  When in doubt, skip the workout; it’s much better to miss one workout than to get injured and miss lots of them.


Finally:  drink lots of water.  This is always true, but especially when we are sick.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday Workout: Back at it!

I’m back!  Ready to work?  Good!  Three rounds:






Arnold press





bench press






lunge punches




pretty princesses



Thursday, October 21, 2021


I usually keep stuff positive, because it’s just good practice, but today, just for fun, I’m going to list my least-favorite exercises.  (Guess what?  I do them anyway!)


1.     Lunges.  I really hate doing lunges.  They’re hard.  They challenge my balance.  I have to think about how I align my feet and knees and about where my shoulders are in space.  They make my butt sore.  Once I made up a whole song about hating lunges to get through a very long set of walking lunges.  It was a terrible song, but not as terrible as doing lunges.  But, yeah, I do them because they DO challenge my balance and make me think and all that.

2.     Burpees.  Nearly everybody hates burpees.  Doing burpees well requires lots of stamina and a fair bit of coordination.  A sense of humor doesn’t hurt either, as the body tries to go along with what I’m asking it to do.  Practice makes them easier, but so far not more fun.  Unfortunately, avoiding them just makes them worse.

3.     Plyojacks.  Every time I do a set of 30 plyojacks, I question my own sanity around the fifteenth rep.  By the third set of 30, the question has been answered definitively:  yep, I’m crazy.  Also tired.  However, they burn a boat-load of calories, increase metabolism, and build endurance.

4.     The Hundred.  As much as I love Uncle Joe Pilates, when I do the hundred, I conclude that he was not always a very nice man.  Ow.  And yet, it is a great exercise for the core and it helps me figure out how to breathe under challenging circumstances.


Agree?  Disagree?  Have some to add?