Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Grit, Pro and Con

Yesterday I wrote about flow and how great it is when everything just feels right with our workouts.  Today I’m going to talk about those other days, the ones when everything is just too @#$% hard to do.


Grit is an important skill to have in our toolbox.  When we use it, we get stronger and we build character.  It can help us lift that last rep or finish that last mile.  Heck, sometimes it can make us do that very first step of showing up at the gym.


It’s also, like many tools, potentially dangerous.  Grit is no substitute for good judgment.  We do not want to use it to keep working when we are injured, for example.


We want to keep paying attention.  A workout that starts out terrible can, once we’re going, feel fabulous.  Then there are the ones that show us that what we actually should be doing is taking a rest day.  If we’re just mindlessly going through the motions, we will miss the distinction.


So, yes, I believe in persistence, but the smart kind, that knows when it really is a good idea to do a little stretching and call it a day. 

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