Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Amazing Stickie and Bridge Chest Press

The Amazing Stickie loves a good chest press.  When she goes to the gym with the fancy stuff, she can do decline presses on a bench, but sometimes she wants to work her lower body at the same time as her upper body, so she gets all the benefits of decline presses plus a bunch of glute and leg work by doing bridge chest presses.

To get into bridge position, Stickie lies on her back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, with her heels in line with her sit bones.  She inhales.  On her exhale, she tilts her pelvis toward her belly button and peels her spine up until her body is a straight line from her chest to her knees.  (People with osteoporosis should not peel up, but rather lift the hips straight up in the air to keep the spine from flexing as much as possible.)


For this exercise, Stickie gets into bridge position while holding a pair of dumbbells.  She holds them over her chest with straight arms.  Then she lowers the dumbbells until they are close to but not quite touching her chest.  She lifts them back up over her chest by straightening her elbows.  That is one rep.  Sets of ten are good.

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