Lately, the illusion that I am a relatively adaptable and easy-going human has been shattered. It was the weather that did it. I found out that being adaptable and easy-going is a lot easier when I’m not boiling to death. My little epiphany is useful when we think about working out.
It is worth taking the time to figure out what our natural workout habitat is. Doing the workout should be the hardest part of the experience, not coping with irritating music we don’t like or too much/not enough ventilation or itchy tags in the back of our shirts. For some of us, this means that we need to go outside and play. Others of us want our air conditioning. Maybe we need noise-cancelling headphones or especially cushy socks. It is all right to work out with Bitch Face to keep people from talking to us if that is what we need; it is also all right to chat like crazy to the human on the next treadmill (assuming that person also wants to chat and that you both keep moving fast enough to count as a workout!). This might take a fair amount of experimentation, but it really helps.
Go play.