Thursday, May 6, 2021

I mean it...

I know my job is to encourage fitness, but sometimes that doesn’t mean running marathons or lifting all the weights in the gym at the same time.  Sometimes it means giving our bodies the rest they need.  Here are some semi-active kinds of rest to consider:


1.     Exploring.  On most days, we want to get breathless and sweaty, but sometimes we can take it all down a few notches.  Instead of running through the neighborhood at top speed, we can slow down and notice the details.  Maybe that means poking our noses into the shops or admiring all the flowers in our neighbors’ gardens.

2.     Playing in water.  Maybe we usually swim laps (and that is totally awesome!), but sometimes it’s good to float around with a pool noodle or play Marco Polo with the kids (no peeking!).

3.     Being a tourist.  I rarely exercise when I travel because I like to see the places I go on foot.  I get ten bazillion steps in while going through the average art museum without even thinking about it until I realize that my feet are falling off and I really need to sit in the cafĂ© with some fizzy water.

4.     Napping.  Yes, napping.  It is all right to rest.  We are allowed to do it and our bodies are better for it.


Play then rest.

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